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Teeth Straightening

Kimbolton Dental Practice
Intro Image

Kimbolton Dental Practice in Bedford is pleased to offer a wide range of highly effective straightening treatments to help correct teeth that are misaligned. When teeth are misaligned or maloccluded, you may find the way the teeth function is impaired. You may also find that the teeth affect the way you speak and even cause you to feel self-conscious about the way your smile looks.

We can help younger adults achieve straighter smiles as early as possible, preventing future issues with bite and misaligned teeth. We also have excellent straightening solutions for adults who are looking to correct their smile without wearing an obvious dental device.

Professional Teeth Straightening Treatments

Traditional Braces

We offer traditional orthodontic braces for the realignment of teeth that may require a more detailed straightening plan. Traditional braces have come a long way within the last 20 years and are much less bulky than they used to be. They use high-quality stainless steel, brackets and wires to gently move the teeth into position. You can even add coloured bands for a more unique look to the braces!


The Invisalign Orthodontic system offers a discreet straightening treatment for patients who want the perfect straight smile, without an obvious device in place. This incredibly popular treatment system is fantastic for adults who feel they missed their opportunity to straighten their teeth earlier in life; adults who would love the smile they always dreamed of, but without the use of traditional braces. Young adults who are more self-conscious may also benefit from Invisalign.

The highly popular Invisalign straightening system is ideal for correcting misalignment and rotation using clear, custom trays that are removable for cleaning and eating. They are discreet, convenient and comfortable.

Invisalign ®

Book A Consultation For Teeth Straightening With Kimbolton Dental Practice

If you would like to correct misaligned teeth with a highly effective straightening treatment, please get in touch. We can help young adults to correct bite or misalignment issues before they cause further dental issues later on in life. Adults can also benefit from our traditional and invisible brace systems, because it is never too late to get the straight smile you always dreamed of! Please call our friendly team on 01234355966 to book your appointment.

Dental care in an environment of excellence